We were soon ready to hit the road, and let me tell you, as somebody from a country that can probably be crossed from one end to the other in six hours on a good day? The six hour road trip to Kansas had sounded daunting. Especially as, without getting into details, America has kinda been kicking my arse all over the place these past couple of days. But I was surprised how fast it flew by.
Most of it was on one, long flat road with nothing but plains either side, and I'm not saying I was captivated, because I know how boring that sounds, but I've just never seen that much space before. Especially with all the strange farm machines, grain silos, aging billboards that look thirty years old and are probably advertising something that doesn't exist anymore. I mean, I had fantastic company as well which helped the hours tick by immensely but Kansas really does seem like a different country in a way Colorado didn't.
For one thing, I've actually saw a sight today! A real, legitimate place of interest that isn't a store! We stayed the first night with a friend's family and they were nice enough to take us over to Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, which was pretty fantastic. I always have mixed feelings on zoo's, and there are some animals it straight up depresses me to see caged (especially the way those animals are caged at most places) but I always think the conservation work outweighs any dismay in that regard. Plus they have monkeys, and who doesn't like monkeys?!
As I left the car I even uttered 'Oh my god! I finally get to do tourist stuff!!!', which does remind me I probably need to cut down on all the taking the Lord's name in vain, as I doubt it'd be appreciated here. At least, that is the impression I'm getting.In any case I'm gonna shut up again and let you see some animals!
And of course, no trip to the zoo would be compete without a gorilla judging your soul.
I was quite proud of some of the pictures I aquirred this trip, I'm not sure if the animals were in a better mood than usual (it was feeding time, so it's possible!), if my camera is better or if I just had more sense and wasn't trying to photograph everything so I got better results but all in all it was fun and I think I have enough fodder to make cows making stupid faces memes for a lifetime.
One thing that did amuse me is that they rather blatantly caged freedom though.
And another thing that was baffling was the very... Interesting signage and displays.
As you can see they were either really graphic or just really strange in a way I've never seen anywhere else. There was a part of the bear exhibit that had a whole area paved with names and we couldn't figure out if it was a dedication to people who donated or a list of people who had been mauled by bears in the state. Neither would really surprise me right now.
After that fun day out I've moved into my new base of operations, a Value Place hotel which honesty doesn't seem too bad. At least it has working Internet which is more than I can say for the last one. The one complaint I do have right off the bat is this though,
Blinds! Always with the blinds or the paper thin flimsy fabric curtains on this trip. What do they have against real curtains?! Expecially when neither keep the bright light of day out properly so you better want to wake up when the sun does otherwise you're screwed! Ah well, it's nice enough otherwise so I'm sure everything will work out! I'll see you guys next time! Not sure what we're up too out here
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